In our conversation Last week I had mentioned how my weekend was going to be full of color, giggles, juicy gossip. Believe me it turned out as i had imagined...such a warm amazing reunion...
Before, I start on how the hotness needs not to fade just because one is in the family way let me pay some homage to our bi-dazzled bond. Trishie Trish with whom we go way and i mean way back was a colleague and a friend.
The first time we met we were at the initial stages of employment okay, we were interning and at that point in life the fantasy of journey the professional mile was glamorous enough but not for Trish oh no! Trish used to stress our shady lives...
she was the office Fashionista even as a new bee. She was that friend and for some colleague who brings it and serves the potions hot and right! # goldielocksbabybears’porridge
Every one has that one ‘gurl’ that Fashionsta in your office whose wardrobe you would raid without giving a blinking thought with only a few seconds here and there to scratch your head!! That Trish ‘all day -every day’ she would drop a trend and all you think beside the blasphemous Ghai!!! is an unholy gnashing of teeth as you pay the compliment ‘Chic. . . you look soo fab where do you shop, can I get the top and oh while your at it can you kindly tone down?!?!?!
Well that was then, time has given us time to catch up to the trend setters and find fun in building our image. Years have passed and now beauty Trish is expectant and am honestly glad to see her still 'glamming' up...yeah, it is possible to be glam and expecting...takes extra effort but its all worth it not to loose your shine even as you are about to bring a miracle in the so happy for her!!! Ever smiling, full of jokes, trendy as ever. That ’s the spirit. This should be our story even as we plan out life when the ticking clock stop as you transition into your new space it is possible to hold the glow for you because your glow is worth keeping up...
(not because of the neighborhood ‘Kardashian’) but just because you are worth it...
From what she tells me being expectant is amazing.
Play around with your outfits.
Trish wore a purple bandage dress with leather sleeves, chunky necklace, neon heels and she looked good!!! Take a look. . .
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